LFG Financial Services

Loyalty Capital

Loyalty Capital

Loyalty Capital (LC) is an investment vehicle within the Loyalty Financial Group. It currently owns 100% of the Entello Group, a founding member firm. LC is the entity sitting behind any future offers of liquidity. The vision for LC is to become a vehicle that owns a diversified portfolio of interests in financial services businesses that are well-run and very profitable.

LFG and LC can support firms within the group in conducting M&A activity. This can be M&A activity with external parties or within the group. While any funding requirements may be facilitated by the member firm’s own resources or using LFG arrangements with external funders, LFG may also offer additional support through Loyalty Capital.

Succession Planning

Succession planning is an essential aspect of running a successful business for the long term.

Further to the Loyalty Capital options outlined above, having a robust succession plan is not only for those seeking to retire or exit.

An effective succession plan mitigates risks, such as unexpected life, economic or environmental events, and it can also inform strategic decision making, such as when addressing changes in the marketplace or reviewing goals and milestones.

Business valuations, in today’s marketplace, are moving towards EBIT valuation multiples, more in line with comparable professions. With this trend, it is important to have your business properly structured to maximize its value at the time of sale.

LFG and Loyalty Capital stand ready to help you with your succession plan development and execution.